Dear Members of the Blessed Sacrament Parish,
A few years ago when I joined our parish, we formed the following Mission Statement, “Forming Disciples through Prayer, Liturgy, Word of God, and Service.” “Forming Disciples” is our ultimate mission, and we execute it through the four pillars of Prayer, Liturgy, Word of God, and Service.
Our mission is only possible through the heartfelt participation of all of our members. Enclosed is our annual Stewardship booklet with many opportunities for each of us to exercise our own unique part in fulfilling our mission. Please prayerfully discern the ministries you wish to continue, and the ministries you may wish to try for the very first time.
Our Stewardship Committee has redesigned our booklet which is hopefully easy to follow. We look forward to seeing how you wish to bring forth the mission of Blessed Sacrament Parish and School through your own gifts and talents.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom
Parish Ministries
Legion of Mary (Auxiliary)
The Legion of Mary is composed of lay men and women who can choose to be either Active or Auxiliary members. The auxiliary member is committed to praying every day with mind and heart the prayers of the Tessera.
Denise Sangoi
Junior Legion of Mary
The Junior Legion is an organization for the spiritual development of persons under the age of 18. Youth as young as 4th grade may join.
Audreana Derhake
Denise Sangoi
Ministry of Praise
The homebound or other parishioners offer prayers for the parish. Participants are commissioned, given a cross, a book of prayers, and a list of monthly intentions.
Deacon Terry
Prayer Chain
Members of our parish pray for the special needs of other parishioners. One telephone call begins the involvement of all those in the prayer chain.
Carol Price
Sacred Heart League
Members Choose a day each month to attend Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart. Members also gather twice a year for Valentine’s Day and Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Joyce Peters
Adult Choir
Our choir sings at the 10:00 a.m. Mass from Oct. through May. Practices are held Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Steve Buckman
Arts and Church Environment
A group that plans and creates the décor of the church for various liturgical seasons.
Sally Kroner
Cantors and Musicians
Individuals who lead the singing at weekend Masses.
Steve Buckman
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children from PreK through 2nd grade are invited to be dismissed with a catechist after the Opening Prayer to experience their own Liturgy of the Word. There is a rotation among the adult volunteers who lead the experience each week.
Emily Barnes
Kristen Niemann
Dead Liturgists Society
This is a book club which studies works authored by the founders of the Liturgical Movement. This group meets every other Thursday evening.
Fr. Tom
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These ministers are needed to serve all Masses, as well as taking communion to the Homebound and members who reside at Sunset Home on Sunday mornings.
Mike Grant, Mass
Deacon Terry, Homebound & Sunset Home
Funeral Choir
Volunteers needed to sing at Funeral Mass
Jim McDowell
Funeral Mass Ministries
Adult volunteers fill the ministries of Mass server, and Lector at parish funerals.
Parish Office
Individuals and families welcome people at each entrance of the church at weekend Masses.
Jill Kelly
Parishioners proclaim the Word of God at all Masses. Training is provided as needed.
Jill Kelly
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy committee plans, evaluates, and coordinates the integral components of our parish liturgies.
Jill Kelly
Spanish Ministry
Mass is Celebrated in Spanish every Sunday at 11:15 a.m.
Fr. Tom
Men, women, and families are involved in this ministry at each Mass on the weekend.
Ron Kelly
Baptism Preparation
Baptismal sessions are offered quarterly for expectant or new parents to help them understand their role as Christian parents and prepare them for their child’s baptism. Teams of parishioners have a rotating schedule for facilitating sessions.
Fr. Tom
Bible Study – Day/Evening
Seasonal, thematic, or other types of Bible Study are offered in 6–8-week programs. Facilitators are needed to lead sessions.
Ann Gage
Growing in Faith Together (GiFT)
Adult volunteers are needed to help with our parish religious program. GiFT meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays during the school year from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Audreana Derhake
Marriage Preparation
Couples assist in preparing engaged couples for the sacrament of marriage.
Mike & Mandy Young
Marriage Tribunal Advocate
Trained advocates guide persons who have experienced divorce through the process of requesting an annulment.
Ann Gage
Deacon Terry
Quincy SPIRT (Special People in Religious Instruction Today)
This group for mentally challenged individuals in Quincy and surrounding area parishes meets every other Tuesday evening from September through May. Volunteers are needed to serve as teachers and helpers to provide one-on-one help to participants.
Jim & Donna Vogel
RCIA adapted for Children.
Adult volunteers facilitate a process for children and teens who have not been baptized or whose parents are in RCIA to prepare them for the initiation sacraments.
Deacon Terry
RCIA Sponsor
People wishing to become Catholic are assigned sponsors who accompany them on their faith journey. Sponsors attend sessions and help incorporate those in the process into parish life.
Audreana Derhake
Deacon Terry
Ann Gage
RCIA is a process for people interested in joining the Catholic Church or completing their initiation through Confirmation and/or Eucharist. Sessions are held weekly. Team members facilitate sessions and guide participants through the process.
Audreana Derhake
Ann Gage
Deacon Terry
Vacation Bible School
For one week in June, VBS teaches our children about their faith in a fun, activity filled atmosphere. We need adult and student volunteers to lead small groups, prepare food, help with crafts, games, and music.
Audreanna Derhake
Allison Menz
Youth Group
Adult volunteers are needed to help plan and lead youth group events either on a monthly or biweekly basis. Volunteers should have a passion for working with middle schoolers and sharing faith.
Audreana Derhake
Church Cleaning
Volunteers are needed to assist in this ministry of cleaning our church. Teams rotate, taking one weekend a month. Volunteers are also needed to clean after special events.
Ruth Bange
Circle of Caring
The ministry provides a variety of types of assistance to those in times of crisis or following a hospitalization, birth of child, etc. Services may include providing meals, running errands, household chores, transportation, etc. Parishioners may serve on the Planning Committee or volunteer for a particular type of service.
Linda Hinkamper
Coffee and Donuts
Volunteers are needed to make coffee, serve and clean up after 10:00 a.m. Mass. On the first Sunday of the month donuts will need to be ordered and picked up.
Ann Peters
Collection Counters
Teams are formed for counting the collection on Sunday morning from 9:00a.m. to 11:30a.m.
Sally Kroner
Community of Catholic Women
All women of the parish are invited to come join the CCW. We meet monthly on the 4th Tues. at 6:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space.
Julie Herring
Food and Snacks
There are a number of parish and youth activities where snacks, cookies, and cupcakes are needed. Volunteers provide these items throughout the year.
Annette Hill
Funeral Luncheon
Following a funeral, a luncheon provided by the parish is offered. Volunteers are needed to prepare food and coordinate and serve the meal.
Nancy Shodroski
Chris Wiemelt
Grief Share
13-week program designed to help you if you’ve lost a loved one. Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Gene Soebbing
Health and Wellness Council
Healthcare professionals to assist our fellow parishioners and community in their wellness journeys in matters of health, education, and resources.
Anand Sangoi
Horizons Food Pantry
Volunteers needed at Horizons Soup Kitchen on the 2nd Friday and 4th Thursday of the month. The hours are between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Chris Wiemelt
Hospitality Team
Volunteers needed to help create an environment of great warmth and true hospitality at Blessed Sacrament. The committee will provide food and refreshments once a month all Masses. The committee also provides ideas and guidance to the pastor and pastoral council as the parish continually looks for new ways to build its overall hospitality.
Julie Herring
Landscaping Team
A team of parishioners to develop and maintain the Parish landscaping and grounds, ensuring they are aesthetically designed, well cared for, and safe.
Mary Kay Brown
Legion of Mary (Active Members)
The Legion of Mary is composed of lay men and women who can choose to be either Active or Auxiliary members. Active members perform apostolic works, such as visiting the sick, the homebound, those in nursing homes, families in need, teaching PSR and performing other spiritual works as called for by the parish. Active members meet every Tuesday from 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. in the gathering space to pray and discuss their works.
Denise Sangoi
Men’s Group
This group is a way for all men of the Parish to be able to come together in fellowship, to share life in common fashion, to grow spiritually and to help support the parish in all facets.
Ed Holthaus
Minute Men
Volunteers come each Monday morning to help with ongoing maintenance and assist with special projects from time to time.
Bob Bergman
Haiti Sister Parish Committe
Our parish helps support St. Antoine Parish in Haiti. A team of volunteers’ plan projects, fundraisers, and trips to Haiti
Joe Bordewick
Respect for Life Committee
Participate by signing up to pray a rosary for a week with pro-life intentions, receive information on pro-life issues and legislation from our Bishop, support local pro-life organizations, participate in praying at the Planned Parenthood office in Springfield, IL, on Thursdays when abortions are performed, support the Right to Life dinner in October, support Birthright, Ladies of Charity and Catholic Charities with volunteers and donations.
Patty Adam
St. Joseph Breakfast Club
Men of the parish meet every Friday morning after 8:00 a.m. Mass at a local restaurant for fellowship.
Fr. Tom
St. Vincent de Paul
Members meet monthly on the first Wednesday in the lower level of the Parish office. They provide assistance to people in need and provide for parishioners who are having a difficult time.
Joe Bordewick
School Office
Periodically we need people to help in the school office.
Lori Quevillion
School Volunteer
Adult volunteers are needed during the school day to spend time with students creating positive relationships by helping with schoolwork and social interaction.
Lisa Berhorst
Scouting groups are available to foster physical, emotional, and spiritual development as well as citizenship, teamwork, responsibility, and leadership in our young people. Adult leaders and helpers are needed to support the programs and activities offered.
Cub Scouts: Kristina Dula
Boy Scouts: Duke Collins
Sunset Nursing Home Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to help residents to chapel on Thursdays for Mass.
Ruth Bange
Technology Committee
The purpose of this committee is to meet the technological needs of Blessed Sacrament Parish and Church, in addition to maintaining the Blessed Sacrament Parish website.
Julie Herring
Volunteers for Parish Office
Periodically we need people to answer the phone and door, or assist with mailings, typing, copying, and other projects.
Laura Megown
Welcoming Committee
A team of parishioners who welcome new members to the Parish by visiting with them and answering their questions. We are currently looking for new members to serve on the Welcoming Committee.
Ashley Bockhold